28 feb. 2010

Two step's forward, one back!

I realized yesterday that the roller cage are to low, how did this happen? Just to cut it down this mornin' damn.
What you see here in the picture are the result of another 3 hours in the garage, sight!

The wall part 2

  • Welded the upper part of the wall today, a lot of steelband was made, had to saw the with a bandsaw, hec I have no steel cutter. Gonna' mount foam on it later on.

27 feb. 2010

Petrol tank

  • Today I've mounted the "specialmade " petroltank in the -34. Also started to build the wall in front of the tank. Here you see the steelbars and the profiles to hold it together. Next step are to make the upper frame for the wall. I will mount the woodpart to it later.